// Code generated by goa v3.6.0, DO NOT EDIT.
// Service1 service
// Command:
// $ goa gen goa_example/design

package service1

import (


// The secured service exposes endpoints that require valid authorization
// credentials.
type Service interface {
	// Signin implements signin.
	Signin(context.Context, *SigninPayload) (res *Creds, err error)
	// 这是一个需要JWT认证的接口
	Secure(context.Context, *SecurePayload) (res string, err error)

// Auther defines the authorization functions to be implemented by the service.
type Auther interface {
	// BasicAuth implements the authorization logic for the Basic security scheme.
	BasicAuth(ctx context.Context, user, pass string, schema *security.BasicScheme) (context.Context, error)
	// JWTAuth implements the authorization logic for the JWT security scheme.
	JWTAuth(ctx context.Context, token string, schema *security.JWTScheme) (context.Context, error)

// ServiceName is the name of the service as defined in the design. This is the
// same value that is set in the endpoint request contexts under the ServiceKey
// key.
const ServiceName = "Service1"

// MethodNames lists the service method names as defined in the design. These
// are the same values that are set in the endpoint request contexts under the
// MethodKey key.
var MethodNames = [2]string{"signin", "secure"}

// Creds is the result type of the Service1 service signin method.
type Creds struct {
	// JWT token
	JWT string
	// API Key
	APIKey string
	// OAuth2 token
	OauthToken string

// SecurePayload is the payload type of the Service1 service secure method.
type SecurePayload struct {
	// Whether to force auth failure even with a valid JWT
	Fail *bool
	// JWT used for authentication
	Token string

// Credentials used to authenticate to retrieve JWT token
type SigninPayload struct {
	// Username used to perform signin
	Username string
	// Password used to perform signin
	Password string

// Credentials are invalid
type Unauthorized string

// Error returns an error description.
func (e Unauthorized) Error() string {
	return "Credentials are invalid"

// ErrorName returns "unauthorized".
func (e Unauthorized) ErrorName() string {
	return "unauthorized"