package main import ( "fmt" "log" "net/http" "" "" "" "" "" ) func main() { router, err := NewRouter() if err != nil { log.Fatal(err) } srv := &http.Server{ Addr: ":4242", Handler: router, } _ = srv.ListenAndServe() } // NewRouter returns a new router for the // Pet Store. func NewRouter() (*fizz.Fizz, error) { engine := gin.New() engine.Use(cors.Default()) fizz := fizz.NewFromEngine(engine) // Override type names. // fizz.Generator().OverrideTypeName(reflect.TypeOf(Fruit{}), "SweetFruit") // Initialize the informations of // the API that will be served with // the specification. infos := &openapi.Info{ Title: "Fruits Market", Description: `This is a sample Fruits market server.`, Version: "1.0.0", } // Create a new route that serve the OpenAPI spec. fizz.GET("/openapi.json", nil, fizz.OpenAPI(infos, "json")) fizz.GET("/doc", nil, func(ctx *gin.Context) { ctx.Status(200) ctx.Header("Content-Type", "text/html") ctx.String(200, rapidoc) }) // Setup routes. routes(fizz.Group("/market", "market", "Your daily dose of freshness")) if len(fizz.Errors()) != 0 { return nil, fmt.Errorf("fizz errors: %v", fizz.Errors()) } return fizz, nil } func routes(grp *fizz.RouterGroup) { // Add a new fruit to the market. grp.POST("", []fizz.OperationOption{ fizz.Summary("Add a fruit to the market"), fizz.Response("400", "Bad request", nil, nil, map[string]interface{}{"error": "fruit already exists"}, ), }, tonic.Handler(CreateFruit, 200)) // Remove a fruit from the market, // probably because it rotted. grp.DELETE("/:name", []fizz.OperationOption{ fizz.Summary("Remove a fruit from the market"), fizz.ResponseWithExamples("400", "Bad request", nil, nil, map[string]interface{}{ "fruitNotFound": map[string]interface{}{"error": "fruit not found"}, "invalidApiKey": map[string]interface{}{"error": "invalid api key"}, }), }, tonic.Handler(DeleteFruit, 204)) // List all available fruits. grp.GET("", []fizz.OperationOption{ fizz.Summary("List the fruits of the market"), fizz.Response("400", "Bad request", nil, nil, nil), fizz.Header("X-Market-Listing-Size", "Listing size", fizz.Long), }, tonic.Handler(ListFruits, 200)) } const rapidoc = `