package metrics import ( "strconv" "time" "" "" "" ) const serviceName = "cp-service" var ( labels = prometheus.Labels{"service": serviceName} KafkaConsumeSuccessCounter = promauto.NewCounterVec( prometheus.CounterOpts{ Name: prometheus.BuildFQName("cp", "kafka", "consume_success"), Help: "记录kafka消息消费成功的次数", ConstLabels: labels, }, []string{"topic", "bid"}, ) KafkaConsumeErrorCounter = promauto.NewCounterVec( prometheus.CounterOpts{ Name: prometheus.BuildFQName("cp", "kafka", "consume_error"), Help: "记录kafka消息消费失败的次数", ConstLabels: labels, }, []string{"topic", "bid"}, ) KafkaConsumeProcessingCounter = promauto.NewGaugeVec(prometheus.GaugeOpts{ Name: prometheus.BuildFQName("cp", "kafka", "consume_processing"), Help: "当前正在处理的kafka消息个数", ConstLabels: labels, }, []string{"topic", "bid"}, ) requestInProgressTotal = promauto.NewGaugeVec(prometheus.GaugeOpts{ Name: prometheus.BuildFQName("cp", "http", "requests_in_progress_total"), Help: "All the requests in progress", ConstLabels: labels, }, []string{"method"}) requestsTotal = promauto.NewCounterVec(prometheus.CounterOpts{ Name: prometheus.BuildFQName("cp", "http", "requests_total"), Help: "Count all http requests by status code, method and path.", ConstLabels: labels, }, []string{"status_code", "method", "path"}, ) requestDuration = promauto.NewHistogramVec(prometheus.HistogramOpts{ Name: prometheus.BuildFQName("cp", "http", "request_duration_seconds"), Help: "Duration of all HTTP requests by status code, method and path.", ConstLabels: labels, Buckets: []float64{ 0.000000001, // 1ns 0.000000002, 0.000000005, 0.00000001, // 10ns 0.00000002, 0.00000005, 0.0000001, // 100ns 0.0000002, 0.0000005, 0.000001, // 1µs 0.000002, 0.000005, 0.00001, // 10µs 0.00002, 0.00005, 0.0001, // 100µs 0.0002, 0.0005, 0.001, // 1ms 0.002, 0.005, 0.01, // 10ms 0.02, 0.05, 0.1, // 100 ms 0.2, 0.5, 1.0, // 1s 2.0, 5.0, 10.0, // 10s 15.0, 20.0, 30.0, }, }, []string{"status_code", "method", "path"}, ) ) func NewMiddleware(cfgs ...Config) fiber.Handler { cfg := configDefault(cfgs...) return func(ctx *fiber.Ctx) error { if cfg.Next != nil && cfg.Next(ctx) { return ctx.Next() } start := time.Now() method := ctx.Route().Method if ctx.Route().Path == "/metrics" { return ctx.Next() } requestInProgressTotal.WithLabelValues(method).Inc() defer requestInProgressTotal.WithLabelValues(method).Dec() err := ctx.Next() // initialize with default error code // status := fiber.StatusInternalServerError if err != nil { if e, ok := err.(*fiber.Error); ok { // Get correct error code from fiber.Error type status = e.Code } } else { status = ctx.Response().StatusCode() } path := ctx.Route().Path statusCode := strconv.Itoa(status) requestsTotal.WithLabelValues(statusCode, method, path).Inc() elapsed := float64(time.Since(start).Nanoseconds()) / 1e9 requestDuration.WithLabelValues(statusCode, method, path).Observe(elapsed) return err } }